How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel (Two Useful Ways)

Today we’re going to go through two useful ways how to insert the degree symbol in Excel and we’ll have a look at how to use the symbol in texts as well as with numbers.


The First Way How to Insert Degree Symbol in Excel

We can insert the degree symbol through the Symbol button, and that’s the first way we’ll talk about today. Let’s say that in the header of this table you want to include the word ‘Temperature’ along with the information that the figures here are in degrees Celsius.

To do that click on the target cell, then go to the Insert tab and click on ‘Symbols’.

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel -  click on the target cell
How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel -  go to Insert Tab
How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel -  click on symbols

You’ll see a window where you can set the font used. We’re using Franklin Gothic Medium, so we’ll keep it there and we’ll scroll down a little to find the degree symbol, click on it, press ‘Insert’ and that’s all it takes!

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel -  find the degree symbol
How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - press Insert

We can close the window and add a capital C right after to mark Celsius.

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - add a capital C right after to mark Celsius

The Second Way How to Insert Degree Symbol in Excel (Using Shortcut)

And here comes the second way to insert the degree symbol. Now we’ll work a little with cell formatting.

This way comes handy when working with numbers, but the symbol still needs to appear right after the figure in the table.

Let’s select all the cells which will contain the numbers, then right-click and select ‘Format cells’.

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - select Format Cell

Here we’ll see a window where we choose the category ‘Custom’ and now we need to select the ‘Type’, where we specify the number of decimals to display in the values. For instance, if we want to show two decimal places, we type in zero, then full stop and after that we need to add two more zeros. The preview shows what the final format will look like.

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - specify the number of decimals

In this case, we want only whole numbers, so we’ll just leave a zero in the Type field.

However, we need to add a degree symbol and to do this, we can use a hot key, so press and hold the Alt key and, at the same time, type ‘0176’ on the numeric keypad.

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - hold the Alt key and, at the same time, type ‘0176’

Now you can release the Alt key and here we go – the degree symbol is where we want it to be!

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - the degree symbol appears

In case you forget the hot key combination, you can still use the good old copy-and-paste way and copy the degree symbol from another place where you have it all ready. Let’s close the window and copy the symbol from the header.

So here we go, Control key and C, now we open the Formatting cells window and paste it with Control and V here to the Type field.

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - copy the symbol form the header

Once the formatting is finished, press OK.

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - press OK

Now you can populate the cells with numbers and figures and the degree symbol automatically appears right next to them.

How to Insert the Degree Symbol in Excel - the degree symbol automatically appears right next to numbers

If you’d like to know how to insert other symbols in Excel, check out more tutorials by EasyClick Academy. The link to this series is in the list below.

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Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next tutorial!