How to Find Duplicates in Excel

In this tutorial, you’ll see a quick way how to find duplicate entries in an Excel table.

Let’s not waste any time – this is how to do it!

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The first important step in finding duplicate data in a table is to define the area in which we want to look for duplicates.

Here we will select these two columns – columns B and C.

How to find duplicates in Excel - define the area with duplicates

How to Highlight Unique Values in the Table

You can also highlight the whole sheet by clicking into the top left-hand corner if you wish to.

How to find duplicates in Excel - in the whole spreadsheet

Go to the section Styles and choose Conditional Formatting option. Click on Highlight Cells Rules and select Duplicate Values.

How to find duplicates in Excel - highlight duplicate values

Excel will immediately look for and highlights all duplicates in a table of any size. It doesn’t matter whether the table contains hundreds or thousands of entries.

In our table, we can see that duplicated data are located in rows 4 and 5.

How to find duplicates in Excel - formating cells with duplicate values

On the other hand, if we want to highlight unique values in the table, we would need to switch to ‘Unique’ in the drop-down menu.

How to find duplicates in Excel - unique values

How to Change Colour Formatting of the Highlighted Data

Now, if we go back to the option ‘Duplicate’, we can change the color formatting of the highlighted data.

How to find duplicates in Excel - choose color of duplicates

We confirm the choice by clicking on OK and the duplicates get highlighted within the table.

How to Turn Off the Highlighted Data

This highlighting of duplicates can be turned off by going back to the Styles section, clicking on Conditional Formatting again, and selecting Clear Rules.

How to find duplicates in Excel - turn off highlighting of duplicates

Here you can decide whether you’ll clear the rules from ‘Selected Cells’ only, or from the ‘Entire Sheet’. Let’s use the option ‘Clear Rules from Entire Sheet’, because we want to remove the formatting from the entire spreadsheet.

And we’re done! Highlighting of duplicates has been removed!

How to find duplicates in Excel - deleted duplicates

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