This video tutorial goes through how to create a radar chart in Excel in a quick and easy way. The radar chart provides a neat visualization of data which is ideal for data comparison.
Let’s start!
To see how to create a radar chart, we’ll have a look at the following example where we’ll process ‘Team Skills Profile’ for a made-up team and we’ll make it into a radar chart. We’ll use these four fictional team members – Jane, Bob, Lucy, and Tommy, and in the chart, we’ll compare five specific skills that have been quantified for each team member.
Thanks to the radar chart, we’ll see which skill is which team member’s strength but also where there’s space for improvement for each.
As soon as we’ve got the data prepared, we select all of it and now we’re ready to start creating a radar chart!
To begin, click on the ‘Insert’ tab up here and in the section ‘Charts’, click on ‘Insert Waterfall, Funnel, Stock, Surface, or Radar Chart’.
Then, down here, you can choose whether you want a simple radar chart, radar chart with markers, or filled radar chart. We’ll go for the first option now – a simple radar chart, so we click on it and here we go! The chart’s in the spreadsheet.
As we mentioned a moment ago, thanks to the radar chart we can see which skill is which team member’s strength but we can also see space for improvement for each team member.
Like here with Jane – ‘Creativity’ and ‘Teamwork’ are definitely her strong points, but among all members, she’s having the biggest trouble with ‘Problem Solving’.
The same way you can use a radar chart to visualise and compare other data types, too.
Let’s have a look now at a couple of more options to make your radar chart look just as you need.
First, we’ll go through how to modify the scale on the chart. As you can see, the scale used here is from zero to 100.
However, the smallest value in the chart is 52, which is Jane’s ‘Problem Solving’ entry.
So, we might want to modify the scale, so that it wouldn’t show zero as the beginning, but let’s say 20. This way we can zoom in the part of the chart where our data values are located.
And how to do that?
First, double-click with the left mouse button anywhere within the scale area and a pane opens on the right.
Click on ‘Axis Options’ and here, in the section with the same title ‘Axis Options’.
We can set a minimum value for the scale in the chart. We’re going to change it to 20, so we simply overwrite zero with this number, press ‘Enter’ and that’s it!
The scale in the chart starts at 20, now, just as we wanted. This change can make data more visible, which allows clearer comparison.
We can close the panel on the right for now and move on.
The chart position within a spreadsheet can also be changed very quickly. Press and hold the left mouse button within the empty chart area and drag the chart wherever you need.
To change the size of the chart, simply click on any of the little circles located in the corners of the chart and hold the left mouse button, dragging it to set the desired size just as you need.
And we’re not finished yet!
To rename the chart, double-click on ‘Chart Title’ and change the name as you need.
We’ll use the title ‘Team Skills Profile’ for this chart.
There’s a possibility to adjust colours or change the style of the chart, too. Simply, click into the blank chart area again, then find the tab ‘Chart Design’, which just opened, and use the button ‘Change Colors’ to choose from various colour palettes.
To change the style of the chart, go to the ‘Chart Design’ tab again, click on this down arrow and pick the style that suits you best.
We’ll keep the original option for now.
And before we wrap it up, there’s one important thing to keep in mind.
The chart is dynamic, which means that if you change a value in the data table, it’ll be reflected in the chart immediately. For example, if we change the value of Jane’s ‘Problem Solving’ skill from 52 to let’s say 88, it’ll show right away on the radar chart.
So, now you know how to create a radar chart in Excel in a quick and easy way.
And if you’d like to know more about how to easily create other chart types or how to modify them further, watch separate video tutorials by EasyClick Academy. The links to the videos are in the description below.
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Thanks for watching and I’ll see you in the next tutorial!